Avocado Goodness

I found this recipe at everydaypaleo.com. It’s perfect considering how many avocados we get in our market orders. A simple and tasty snack. Enjoy! Avocado Goodness 2-3 avocados, cut in

The Great Bacon Debate

If you’ve been eating paleo or zone for awhile you should know by now how popular it is among your crossfitting peers. It’s undeniably delicious. I, for one, get super

Stuffed Bison Filets!

I saw this recipe on primal-palate.com and immediately thought of Diso. But to all of the other meat lovers out there… enjoy. The bison filets used in this recipe are

Paleo Choc-Chip Cookies (again)

Chocolate Chip Cookies (paleo, of course) People have been asking me to repost this recipe, so here you go! One day I’ll fix the “search” button on the blog so

Breakfast cupcakes!

It’s very strange that I’ve never posted anything breakfast related before because it really is my favorite meal of the day. I have perfected my omelet down to the last

Curried Meatballs!

I used this recipe last night to cook my first order of ground bison from US Wellness Meats. Let’s just say… I will never buy anything else. It was so

Warm Spinach and Sweet Potato Salad!

I found this little gem today on primal-palate.com and my mouth immediately began to salivate. Fancy salads have been a minor obsession lately. Mendocino Farms and Tender Greens being some favorite

Hard Work Pays off

I’m a day late, but I just wanted to say congrats to everyone who participated in the IWC Challenge. I’m so excited to see how going paleo/zone has transformed all

The Battle over Grass-fed Meat

My friend Will at Karma Crossfit in Manhattan Beach, showed me this article on Robbwolf.com this morning. It’s astonishing to say the least. And the report Fox News did about


Hey everyone, sorry I’ve been lagging lately. I’ve been really busy. So, I found a quick and delicious recipe  from primal-palate.com for those of you who work long hours or