Here We Go…
Three rounds for time: 10 Muscle ups 10 Forward Rolls 20 One legged squats, alternating Handstand walk, 20 yards Kristen Clever 8:24, Austin Malleolo 10:25, Miranda Oldroyd 19:54 AHHHH………to
Home stretch
Tabata Weighted Pull-up, 30lb dumbbell Rest 1 minute Tabata Weighted squat, 45lb plate Rest 1 minute Tabata Weighted ring dip, 30lb dumbbell Rest 1 minute Tabata Deadlift, 165lb barbell The
Moving On…
“Diane” 21-15-9 reps: Deadlift 225lbs. Handstand Push ups Michael Giardina 2:15, Kristan Clever 5:13 (225#) Post time to comments. Heather Bergeron on today’s wod: wmv/mov Good luck Fondo! You
“Collin” Six rounds for time: Carry 50lb sandbag 400m 115 pound push press, 12 reps 12 Box jumps, 24 inch box 95 pound Sumo deadlift high-pull, 12 reps Kristan Clever
Mind Games
AMRAP 20 min: 25 Burpees 15 Bodyweight Back Squat (W-75%BW) Post weight used and rounds to comments. Looks like someone needs a rest….. Here’s a question for you, what’s
Back at it….
AMRAP in 12 min: 400m run 5 Deadlifts Post load and rounds to comments. Rob Orlando: 405lbs, 5 rounds + 3 deads, Rebecca Voight: 285lbs, nearly 5 rounds. Delta
Striving to be Bootylicious.
Overhead Squat 1-1-1-1-1 reps Front Squat 1-1-1-1-1 reps Back Squat 1-1-1-1-1 reps Try to increase load on each of the 15 sets. Rich Fronig Jr. : 310lb OHS, 325lb FS,
“Lumberjack 20” 20 Deadlifts (275lbs) Run 400m 20 KB swings (2 pood) Run 400m 20 Overhead Squats (115lbs) Run 400m 20 Burpees Run 400m 20 Pull ups (chest to bar)
Trick or Treat?
155 pound Squat Clean and Jerk, 30 reps – Results The barbell goes from ground to overhead, passing through a front squat in which the crease of the hip passes
Happy, Happy…
AMRAP 20 min: 10 wall ball (20/14) 10 GHD sit ups 10 back extensions Austin Malleolo: 16 rounds + 10 wall ball, Kim Malz: 11 rounds + 8 wall ball