Paradiso CrossFit WOD Blog

On the DL

I’ve discussed the Dead Lift before, but most people just don’t understand how every part of your being is getting worked in this movement! Your entire back, shoulders and abdominals


Another Benchmark Girl today! The Heroes and Girls represent a variety of challenges and have been developed to test the most elite athletes. They are designed to test the 10

Zen State

  I recently wrote a blog about letting out your inner beast during the WODs, but is there a more enlightened path? I grunt and moan in about every single


A great test of your current level of fitness. A well rounded beginner can complete 7 rounds without any assistance. Have you been working on your kipping pullups or just


Listen Up! Lifting heavy weights is good for you! Weight bearing exercises not only make your muscles stronger, but your bones too! Just like the rest of your body, put


Sometimes you just need to do something that is absolutely awful, just to say you did it.  Like running a marathon.  ( I know some of you head cases out

Howl at the Moon

“Insufficient yelling in the gym causes bad form” – Mark Rippetoe I’ve seen it many times, the workout is over and someone says, “I could have gone harder.”  I’m not

I’ll Be Back!

Let’s just say that I didn’t exactly stay on my regimen during my vacation. Like most of the people I know and train, we didn’t start building good healthy habits

Label Reader

Nutrition is the foundation of all that we do and many crossfitters look at it as fuel for their performance. I look at it as a powerful drug that affects

The Minimalist

Our gym is growing!  My ideal gym would be the size of a warehouse, something worthy of being called a gymnasium.  There would be plenty of room for people to