Paradiso CrossFit WOD Blog
Let the Regionals Begin!!
Beach Volleyball this Sunday at 12:30! We will be at our usual place, near Mast St in Marina del Rey. Friends and family are welcome to join! 2011 CrossFit Games
Pork stuffed Pork Chops
Yea, I got your attention! Pork INSIDE of pork? It makes it total sense. Preheat oven at 350 degrees. 1-1/4# Sausage link of your choice (raw). Spicy Italian works out
“Rick” 4 rounds for time: 20 Hand release burpees 400 meter run 30 Sit ups 15′ Rope Climb, 5 ascents Track night tonight at the Santa Monica College track at
Stuffed Bison Filets!
I saw this recipe on and immediately thought of Diso. But to all of the other meat lovers out there… enjoy. The bison filets used in this recipe are
Complete as many rounds as possible in 15 minutes of: 15 Chest to bar pull-ups 30 second Ring L-sit hold Garrett 5 rounds plus 20 second hold CrossFit 201
Five rounds for time of: Swim 50 meters 25 Push- ups Michael Giardina 10:12. Post times to comments. Dana and Cara our resident triathletes are no stranger to the
Who do you know
Seven rounds of: 35 Double-unders 1 Squat Snatch Make one snatch attempt per round. Joe D. 5:45, 1085lbs Post time and total of all successful snatches to comments. Do not
Double Under
A difficult movement, don’t get frustrated if you don’t get it at first! Important points:-Master the single under first-Focus on body positioning: stomach and butt activated, bouncing on the balls
Another round…
Regional Workout #6: For time: 20 Calorie row 30 Burpees 40 Two-hand dumbell ground-to-overhead (45/25#) 50 Toes-to-bar 100 foot Overhead walking lunge (45/25# plate) 150 foot Sprint Post time to
But of course . . .
Run 1 mile. Post time to comments. Paradiso CrossFit 1 mile course. Just pretend it looks like this. But of course, what better WOD to give us after my post