
Five rounds for time of:

Swim 50 meters

25 Push- ups

Michael Giardina 10:12.  Post times to comments.



Dana and Cara our resident triathletes are no stranger to the pool.

“Practice and train major lifts: Deadlift, clean, squat, presses, C&J, and snatch.  Similarly, master the basics of gymnastics: pull-ups, dips, rope climb, push-ups, sit-ups, presses to handstand, pirouettes, flips, splits, and holds.  Bike, run, SWIM, row, etc, hard and fast.”

Ok, there you have it.  This is taken from the “World-Class Fitness in 100 Words” manifesto.  Finally a swimming wod!  I’m surprised they haven’t posted one sooner, but I laughed out loud nonetheless.  So how do you pull this off?  Well, there are several pools open to the public that you can go and pay a nominal fee to use.  Zeb will be at the Culver City Plunge pool at 8 am if you want to join in. Post a “hell yea” to the comments section if you’re interested.

I don’t pretend to know a lot about swimming technique and my best advice would be don’t drown. But seriously, there are some swimming resource videos on the main page worth checking out.

Whose excited about this??  (Of course there will be a sub for the swim if you can’t make it to a pool)

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