Paradiso CrossFit WOD Blog

Habits over time

Thursday, August , 2012 Mobility:After DROM, 2 minutes (cumulative) at the bottom of the Overhead Squat Strength/Skill:7 x 2 Heaving Snatch Balance, 60 seconds rest WOD:“Nasty Girls”3 Rounds for time

Keep ’em Coming!

Wednesday August 8, 2012 Thanks to our friendly neighborhood law enforcement, we have changed the location of our hill sprints to HERE tonight!  The meeting point is super close to

In his own words…

Tuesday, August 7, 2012 Mobility:Rack mobility of choice, 1 minute eachKeg drill, 2 minutes10 Perfect Burpees (these should be done slowly) Strength:5×3 Front squats (85-90% of 1 rep max), rest


Week of Monday, August 6, 2012  Note:  Thanks to our friendly neighborhood law enforcement, we have changed the location of our hill sprints to HERE for Wednesday!  The meeting point

Resource Library Updates!

Monday August 6, 2012 Track Night will be meeting HERE in Culver City at 6:30pm on Monday and Wednesday to do this week’s Hill Sprints. There is plenty of parking on Northgate

Become a better Athlete!

The below video was filmed during one of our trainer clinics on Olympic Lifting. We are discussing how to answer that big question on many people’s minds: Why do I

I’m sexy and I know it

Sunday, August 5, 2012 Mobility:Jog 400 metersHip mobility on box, 90 seconds eachAnkle mobility with band, 60 seconds each Strength warm-up:15 minutes to find 2RM High Bar Back Squat  Workout:4

Worth Repeating, Part Two

Saturday, August 4, 2012 Mobility:Shoulder Prep Gymnastics Warmup: 10 minutes – Review and practice new Handstand Walking progression! 10 minutes or 2-3 rounds of: 3 Butterfly pullups or attempts L

Heel Cords of a Cheetah

Friday, August 3, 2012 Mobility/Warmup:Jog 400 meters or Row 500 metersKeg Drill, 2 minutesAnkle Mobility, 1 minute each Strength/Skill:12×1 Snatch, 60 seconds rest Notes:  Start around 70% or less of

Worth Repeating, Part One

Thursday, August 2nd, 2012 Mobility: Shoulder Prep Gymnastics Warmup: 10 minutes to practice Handstand Walking (new progression below!) 10 minutes to practice Muscleups on the High Rings TEAM WOD! 15