Week of Monday, August 6, 2012 

Note:  Thanks to our friendly neighborhood law enforcement, we have changed the location of our hill sprints to HERE for Wednesday!  The meeting point is super close to the gym, so if you have never done hill sprints before, show up and give it a try!

Single-Sport: Running

Short Interval (Track Night Meeting in CC – Park on Northgate St)
10 x 30 seconds all-out hill sprint, rest 2:00 between each

Long Interval 
3 x 1 Mile Time Trial, rest 4:00 between each

Tempo / Time Trial
3 x 2 Mile, rest 5:00 between each

Hold splits within 5-10 seconds


Multi-Sport: Triathlon

Long Interval
Swim (Monday): With 10lbs vest/weight or drag, 3 x (50m/y + 100m/y + 200m/y)
Run (Tuesday): 10 x 100m, rest 0:45, hold splits within 2-3 seconds
Bike (Wednesday): With 30lbs vest, 3 x (1/2M + 1M + 2M)
Note: For swim/bike, rest the exact time it takes you to do each interval in each set. EX. 200m run in 35 sec. rest 35 sec then 400m run, rest 400m time, run 600m, rest 600m time, run 200m, etc.

Short Interval
Swim (Friday): 10 x 30 seconds all-out sprint using paddles and buoy, rest 2:00 between each, begin each effort from a dive if possible
Bike (Saturday): 10 x 30 seconds all-out hill sprint rest 2:00 between each, if using a trainer/erg utilize heavy tension
Run (Sunday): 10 x 30 seconds all-out hill sprint rest 2:00 between each

Tempo / Time Trial
Bike (Saturday): 30 minutes @ 90% effort
Run (Sunday): 60 minute Time Trial

For Multi-Sport, choose either Short Interval or Tempo / Time Trial for Saturday Bike and Sunday Run workout.  Crossfit as much as recovery will allow, at least 3 times per week.  Post sport, time, distance, and/or pace to comments.

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