Paradiso CrossFit WOD Blog

What type are you?

Wednesday, November 28, 2012Classic and Advanced same for all!! Warm Up: Jog 100 meters (Forward)Jog 100 meters (Backwards)10 ‘T’ push-ups w/Foot ClapsPosterior Chain Flossing w/BandHip Extension w/BandT-Spine mash w/Foam Roller 

100 Ups Drill – Beginner Explanation

This drill works the Pose and the Pull in Pose Running. Pull foot straight up directly under the hip using the hamstring while keeping the ankle and foot relaxed. Pull

100 Ups Drill – Advanced Explanation

This drill works on the Pose and the Pull of Pose Running. More specifically, it works on changing support from one pose to the next, in the case of running,

Is your jar full?

Tuesday, November 27, 2012 Mobility/Warm-up: 2 minutes skipping ropeRun 200 metersSuper rackPosterior FlossingAnkle mobility w/ bandWith the bar only:5 High Bar Back squats, 2 second pause at bottom10 Good mornings5


Week of Monday, November 26, 2012    Single-Sport: Running Short Interval        4-8 x 200m, 1:00 recovery (Track Night – bring stopwatch) Hold within 2-3 seconds Long Interval4-8 x 400m, recover 1:00 Hold

Buckle Up!

Monday, November 26, 2012 Check out the weekly programming HERE, including the new Classic and Advanced Levels! Mobility: Ankle Mobility Keg Drill Internal Rotation Stretch on Bar Assisted Bottom of


One of our three Olympic Lifts, the Jerk is the most efficient way to get a weight from our shoulders to over our head.  Both types of Jerks are demoed

Med Ball Clean

Click HERE for a demo with explanation.   Mobility Suggestions: Lots of Mobility needed for this movement!  You don’t have to do everything, just be sure to test and retest

Overhead Squat

The foundation of our Snatch.  Click HERE for a demo with explanation.   Safety Tip:  Prioritize quality shoulder position over depth and weight!   Mobility Suggestions: Lots of Mobility needed