Paradiso CrossFit WOD Blog
Box Jump
The infamous Box Jump. Click HERE for a demo with explanation. Safety Tip: Always prep your calves for high volume box jumps! Mobility: Foam Roll Calves Calf
3 Position Snatch
A great drill designed to reinforce hitting proper positions, increasing speed under the bar and strengthening your grip! Ideally this will be performed from the ground first, then the knee,
High Bar Back Squat
This is an integral strengthening tool for our Olympic Lifts and overall athleticism. Safety Tip: Prioritize a strong/quality back position before depth and load. Mobilize and improve your position
Low Bar Back Squat
A very different squat than the High Bar Back Squat. This variation allows us to recruit more of our posterior chain (hamstrings and glutes) to lift more weight! Click HERE
Back Extension
Great for developing body awareness and that all important relationship with your back! Click HERE for a demo with explanation.
Hip Extension
Great for developing body awareness and that all important relationship with your back! Click HERE for a demo with explanation of the Hip vs Back Extension.
Behind the Neck Jerk
This can be performed in a squat or split foot position. Click HERE for a demo with explanation. Safety Tip: If you do not have a quality overhead
A foundational movement to our Olympic Lifts and essential to life! Click HERE for a demo with explanation. Mobility: Hamstrings: Flossing, Smash with Lacrosse Ball Hip Work: Gristle, Groiners
Hang Clean
Click HERE for a demo with explanation or review our entire Clean learning progression HERE. Unless specified, this movement can be performed from position 1, position 2 or anywhere in between.