Paradiso CrossFit WOD Blog
Couch Stretch
Formerly known as the Quad on the Wall Stretch, we changed the name to reinforce that you can (and should) perform this stretch regularly and at home! Click HERE for
Cat Stretch
Here’s an explanation of the Cat Stretch on a Box.
Overhead Band Distraction
One of our favorites! Click HERE for a demo with explanation!
Groiners with Band
Click HERE for a demo with explanation.
Double Unders
Another classic conditioning tool. The double under also develops agility, balance, coordination and speed. Click HERE for a demo with explanation. A challenging movement for many, be sure to watch
German Stretch
Click HERE for a demo with explanation.
German Hang
This is an advanced version of the German Stretch. Click HERE for a demo with explanation.
Handstand Pushups
A tough movement for many CrossFitters, both strict and kipping are demonstrated in the above video. Click HERE or a demo with explanation and scaling suggestions. Scaling/Substitution Suggestions: Perform
Click HERE for a demo with explanation and scaling options. Mobility Suggestions: Hamstrings: Flossing, Smash with Lacrosse Ball Hip Work: Gristle, Groiners (Banded variation), Pigeon (Box variation), Hip Prep, Hip Extension with band