Paradiso CrossFit WOD Blog
Winter Shakedown Registration
Winter Shakedown is a 4 person team competition at Axiom Crossfit. 60 SoCal teams come together. There is an intermediate and advanced division. We had several teams at the last
Every one of you should own a slow cooker!
Sunday, December 2, 2012 Mobility:Groiners with bandAnkle mobility with bandTricep mashLat activationsInternal rotation stretch on bar Group Warm-up: Practice all movements (bar or light load)5 Burpees (Practice kipping)5 Hang Snatch5
Learning to Suffer
Saturday, December 1, 2012 Mobility: Keg DrillOverhead Band DistractionPosterior Chain FlossingHip Extension with Band Group Warmup: 1Rounds Classic Warmup10 Overhead Squats10Handstand Pushups10 Strict Pullups10 GHD Situps10 GHD Hip Extensions Work
Power Posing
Friday, November 30, 2012 Mobility: Keg DrillSuper RackOverhead Band DistractionPosterior Chain FlossingHip Extension with Band Group Warmup: 10 Hang Power Cleans with Barbell10 Push Jerk with Barbell10 Power Cleans
I’ll Do It For Life
Thursday, November 29, 2012 2013 Winter Shakedown Registration opens December 1st! Check Upcoming Events for details! Warm up/Mobility: 2 rounds of: Jog 200 meters, 60 seconds jump rope Assisted Bottom of
Weighted Situp
An advanced version of our basic situp. The same standards apply, just try not to throw the weight out in front of you to provide assistance.
Med Ball Situp
An advanced version of our basic situp.
Jumping Squat with Barbell
This is an advanced or more dynamic version of our High Bar Back Squat. Mobility Suggestions: Hamstrings: Flossing, Smash with Lacrosse Ball Hip Work: Gristle, Groiners (Banded variation), Pigeon (Box variation), Hip Prep, Hip Extension with band
MOVEMENT DEMOS | Jumping Squat
This is an advanced or more dynamic version of our basic Squat. Mobility Suggestions: Hamstrings: Flossing, Smash with Lacrosse Ball Hip Work: Gristle, Groiners (Banded variation), Pigeon (Box variation), Hip Prep, Hip Extension with band
MOVEMENT DEMOS | Jumping Good Mornings
An advanced version of the Good Morning. This is a great tool for learning how to load the hamstrings, keep weight in the heels and improving our Olympic Lifting.