Learning to Suffer
Saturday, December 1, 2012
Keg Drill
Overhead Band Distraction
Posterior Chain Flossing
Hip Extension with Band
Group Warmup:
1Rounds Classic Warmup
10 Overhead Squats
10Handstand Pushups
10 Strict Pullups
10 GHD Situps
10 GHD Hip Extensions
Work up to your deadlift weight
Classic Programming
A) Every 15 Seconds for 5 minutes, perform 1 DL
Notes: This is a total of 21 reps. Each rep should focus on being as fast as possible from ground to full hip extension (this should not be a struggle!). Blue and Red bands are typically used, but please test different color bands to find the most effective tension.
B) EMOTM for 7 minutes perform 10 hand release pushups
Notes: Ideally these will be strict. Use a deficit if this is too easy.
30 Burpees
5 Wall Climbs
800 meter Run
5 Wall Climbs
400 meter Run
5 Wall Climbs
200 Meter Run
Advanced Programming
A) Every 15 seconds for 5 minutes, perform 1 Banded Deadlift with barbell weight at 60% 1RM
Notes: This is a total of 21 reps. Each rep should focus on being as fast as possible from ground to full hip extension (this should not be a struggle!). Blue and Red bands are typically used, but please test different color bands to find the most effective tension.
B) EMOTM for 7 minutes: Perform 6 Handstand Push-ups
Notes: Ideally these will be strict. Use a deficit if this is too easy.
50 Burpees
100’ Handstand Walk
800 meter Run
75’ Handstand Walk
800 meter Run
50’ Handstand Walk
800 meter run
Cool Down:
German Hang 2 min
Calf stretch 1 min each
Pigeon on the box 1 min each
G at the Shakedown!
TODAY is Registration Day for the shakedown…. Do it!
Sooooo much is happening! McCoy is at the outlaw Open right now, registration for the shakedown is right now, and sectionals dates have just been released. It is time to get serious. Learning to suffer… that is what Ariel said to me today. We worked out together today and that was his conclusion. He wanted to learn how to suffer. Now I don’t mean suffer as in workout through pain or injury, but be mentally prepared to push through discomfort. Becoming comfortable with the uncomfortable is where progress comes from. This is the time to do that. Find your limits. Become aware of what you physically can do vs what you want to do, and want to do more.
With all that said, lift heavy and run fast, be safe!
PS. If you have a chance, join our wonderful crossfit community for some painting at the new Venice Location this afternoon!