Buckle Up!

Monday, November 26, 2012

Check out the weekly programming HERE, including the new Classic and Advanced Levels!


Ankle Mobility
Keg Drill
Internal Rotation Stretch on Bar
Assisted Bottom of the Squat

Group Warmup:

10 Overhead Squats with Barbell
10 Good Morning with Barbell
10 Heaving Snatch Balance with Barbell

Classic Programming

Barbell Gymnastics:

Spend 20 minutes working on your Snatch, rest as needed

Notes: If squat snatch is difficult to perform, a power snatch+overhead squat may be substituted. Focus on BOTH quality shoulder position and depth.


3 Rounds for time:
15 Kettle Bell Swings
10 GHD Situps
200 meter Sprint

-10 minute time cap-

Advanced Programming

Barbell Gymnastics:

Squat Snatch: 3×1 @80%, 3×1 @85%, 2×1 @90%, 2×1 @95% (rest 30-60 seconds)

Notes: Calculate your numbers in advance and rest no more than 60 seconds between sets!


3 Round for time:
15 Kettle Bell Swings (1.5/1 pood)
10 Toes to Bar
50 Double Unders

-10 minute time cap-

Cool Down:

German Stretch or German Hang, accumulate 1 minute
Calf Stretch, 1 minute each
Straddle Stretch, 2 minutes

The last On Ramp class ever!?

As most of you know, we are officially underway at the new Venice location and the evolution of our Paradiso CrossFit marches forward with some exciting changes!  With no more On Ramp program, we are introducing two class levels:  Classic and Advanced.  Fancy names, I know, but we view this as a natural extension of what was already happening in class.  No matter which option you choose, you will still be allowed to scale the weight, reps and volume to your abilities and we still expect quality movement standards and high intensity out of all of you!  Check out the programming for this week to preview these differences!

Check out our new FAQ link on the left side!  We will continually update this information and we hope you find useful!

Review our new schedule, including the return of open gyms during the 8:30pm time slot!  Remember if you have any problems signing up for class, you should always show up!  Our first priority is always to get you into class, then we can discuss and solve any issues you might be having.

Friday nights at 7:30pm we are introducing the Competitor’s Corner for our elite level athletes to train together!

We have finally re-imagined the Video Library as well!  We believe this format will be much easier to use once we finish reorganizing everything.  We have already completed switching over all of the exercise videos to start with a simple 10-15 second clip showing a quick demo of the movement.  Our next step is to add links to the more detailed instructional videos and associated mobility drills and teaching progressions from there.

Stay tuned for more news, pics and exciting changes!



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