
“Oregon/Idaho Sectional WOD 1” 5 Rounds for time (15 minute cap): 1 15′ Rope Climb, 15′ Ascent 7 Thrusters (135/95) Post times to comments   Ideally in the Split Jerk,

Rest Day WOD

“NM/AR/OK/MS/North Texas Sectional WOD 1” Three rounds for time, with a 20 minute time limit: Row 500 meters 10 Squat Clean to Overhead (135/83) 10 Pull ups (kipping or strict,

A case of the Mondays

Five rounds for time of: 40 Double-unders 30 Box Jumps, 24 inch box 20 Kettlebell swings, 1.5 pood   Excellent box jump video: wmv

Rest Day choice

“NorCal Sectional Workout A” Against a 6-minute running clock: Run 800 meters Max rep overhead squats (115 lbs/75 lbs)   Scored by total number of overhead squats. Sometime in the

Rest Day or….

UK-Ireland Sectionals “Event 1” 3 rounds for time of 10 Chest to bar pull ups 15 GHD Sit ups 20 Wall ball shots (20/10 lb, 10 foot target)  

SoCal Sectional Heats and WODs

Here are the Saturday heat times for our athletes competing at Sectionals this weekend: Hopper  8:40 am, 1:50 pm Matty  9:45 am, 2:50 pm Zeb  10:00 am, 4:50 pm Suver 12:04


Name your top three favorite Zone/Paleo Meals! If you’ve the wherewithal, post recipes to our nutrition blog. Don’t worry, another rest day I’ll ask for your favorite no holds barred meals.

Rest Day

  The Latest Studies on Coconut Oil , by Mary G. Enig, PhD, Paradiso CrossFit Nutrition Blog

Rest Day

  Major Dan Blackman, several proposed CrossFit safety tenets: You are responsible for your own safety, and you are responsible for how you train your body. Do not misinterpret the

Rest Day or ….

“Suver” For time: Row 1000 meters, followed by 5 rounds of the couplet 135 lb Thruster, 7 reps 25 Pull ups recent L1 Cert and decision to compete at Sectionals,