Your turn, part 2
“The Triple Crown” Part A: Athlete has 8 minutes to establish a 7 rep max Front Squat. Shoulder to Overhead at the end of the 7th rep adds 20/15 lbs
The Mind Game
400 meter Walking Lunge Kristan Clever 8:35, 382 steps, Kim Malz 9:15, Graham Holmberg 10:24, Rebecca Voigt 10:36, 376 steps, Bonnie Weinberger 13:09, Katie Hogan 14:31. Post time and number
“Nate” – 091027. Scott McGee, 4th Place, Central Coast Clash. Muscle ups wmv Handstand Push ups wmv mov Kettlebell Swings wmv mov ******************************* Our next Box Jump is fast
Honor the Rest Day
There will be OPEN GYM today from 10am to 11am, followed by a CrossFit 101 at 11am. Otherwise enjoy the rest day. Sterling Lenheim. We cannot express how proud
From afar
Weighted Pull-ups 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 reps Dave Lipson 165lbs (BW 215lbs). Post loads and body weight to comments. Compare to 100314. It’s a circus in here! Weighted Pull-up variations wmv mov
Icy Hot
“Coe” Ten rounds for time of: 95 pound Thruster, 10 reps 10 Ring push-ups Mikko Salo 9:55, Peter Egyed 11:07, Kristan Clever 11:28 (65lbs), Rebecca Voigt 11:46 (65lbs), Kim Malz
Test Run
“The Pull” For time: Row 400 meters 30 Sumo-deadlift High Pulls, 95/65 lbs 25 Pull-ups OR “Unbreakable” AMRAP 15 minutes of: Shoulder to Overhead, 7 reps unbroken, 95/65 lbs Double-unders,
Build up
“ADAMBROWN” Two rounds for time of: 295/185 pound Deadlift, 24 reps 24 Box jumps, 24 inch box 24 Wallball shots, 20/16 pound ball 195/120 pound Bench press, 24 reps 24
Team WOD! Third Model of Fitness. You will come in, teams will be formed, and a rep from each team will be called to pull a mode from our ‘Hopper’, and thus
Our Next Box Jump
Five rounds for time: 5 Muscle ups 115 lb Overhead Squat, 10 reps 15 Toes to bar 20 GHD Sit-ups Chris Spealler 15:55, Kristan Clever 16:53 (95lbs), Laurie Galassi 18:03