Week One Winner!

For Quality: The “Classic” CrossFit Warmup 15 Overhead Squats 15 GHD Situps 15 Hip Extension 15 Pullups 15 Dips Sampson Stretch Rest as needed, then perform Five rounds for time

Track Night Workouts for Tonight and Wednesday!

Following are two track workouts for this week.  If you cannot complete both options, just perform Sequence A.  For most of the drills, check the Video Library on the left

Monday musing…

Ten rounds for time of:12 Burpees12 Wall ball (20/14) Post time to comments.   Demetrius. Are you over paleo-fying everything?  As a rare treat, I really don’t see the harm

One down…..

Five rounds for time of: Run 200 meters20 Pull-upsRun 200 meters20 Push-upsRun 200 meters20 Sit-upsRun 200 meters20 Squats Kim Malz 33:15 Post time to comments. Jordan in the zone. When

The Thrill

Warm up to a heavy set of two reps in the squat clean. Rest as needed, then perform Five rounds for time of: 155 lb squat clean, 7 reps 14

The End Goal

Deadlift 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 reps rest 5 minutes, then perform As many reps as possible in 10 minutes of: Double Unders 20 Arch Rocks every time you stop or miss a double

Explosive Start!

For time: 30 Back Squats, (225/155) Run 1 mile Rest as needed Cool down with Tabata Hollow hold Behold the new wall ball target!  (Accuracy required.) We’re now on day

Classic Wednesday

Track Night tonight at 6:30, be there! 2 Rounds for Quality: “Classic CrossFit Warmup” Sampson Stretch 15 seconds each leg 15 Overhead Squats 15 GHD Situps 15 Hip Extensions 15

Use it!

Front squat 2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2 reps The protocol for today will be to warm up to a heavy set of 2’s and then perform each set on the minute for 10 minutes.