Saturday, December 8, 2012 The Box is CLOSED today! Beach WOD South side of Venice Pier! Good Luck to Everyone running the Santa Monica/ Venice christmas run today!
Outlaw Open
McCoy Will be competing at the Outlaw Open at Crossfit Shifted in Palm Springs Saturday and Sunday. This event is by private invitation only. There will be a link to
Winter Shakedown Registration
Winter Shakedown is a 4 person team competition at Axiom Crossfit. 60 SoCal teams come together. There is an intermediate and advanced division. We had several teams at the last
Learning to Suffer
Saturday, December 1, 2012 Mobility: Keg DrillOverhead Band DistractionPosterior Chain FlossingHip Extension with Band Group Warmup: 1Rounds Classic Warmup10 Overhead Squats10Handstand Pushups10 Strict Pullups10 GHD Situps10 GHD Hip Extensions Work
Saturday, November 24, 2012 Warmup/MobilityRow 500mKeg Drill 2 min10 PVC OH Squats10 GHD Situps10 GHD Hip Extensions10 barbell OH Squats Barbell Gymnsatics20 min to establish 1 RM Snatch Notes: Ideally
Know Thy Other!
Saturday, November 17th 2012 Remember Your Socks! Mobility/Warmup:run 400mKeg Drill 2minAssisted bottom of the Squat 2min2 rounds;10 wall squats10 pullups10 push ups 10 GHD situps Spend time working up to a
OC Throwdown Registration
The OC throwdown registration is now open.! It is a huge two day event January 12th-13th. There is a three week qualification process, where one wod per week is announced
C.A.L Saturday Night Lights (@Goldenstate Crossfit)
Partner Competition at Goldenstate Crossfit (Olympic and Sepulveda). One guy and One girl. You can still sign up. There is an advanced or intermediate and beginner division. The event starts
Ready for Rx’d?
Saturday, November 3rd, 2012 Warmup/Mobility:5min Double under practiceHip Extension with a band Posterior Chain Flossing with BandTricep mash5 front squats with bar5 strict presses with a bar5 hang squat cleans with
The Mini Open
Saturday, October 26 2012 Mobility/ Warmup:400m Run2min Keg Drill1 min Ankle Mobility1 in hip mobility with a bandWith an empty bar:3 high hang power snatches 3 Hang power snatches3 Power snatches