
Saturday, December 8, 2012


The Box is CLOSED today! Beach WOD South side of Venice Pier!


Good Luck to Everyone running the Santa Monica/ Venice christmas run today! Represent Woot! Woot!

Bring your friends and family to the beach for a beach WOD at 10am and 11am. 

Partner WOD will be released at the beach. You don’t need to bring a partner, but you will have one. Shoes are optional, get ready to get sandy and have a good time! 



Get into it!



Last weekend and yet again came across immense inspiration. It’s strange how inspiration works. On the one hand it has to be something phenomenal, and on the other hand it has to seem attainable or relatable. Hard work and gains against the odds are therefore the most inspirational to me. 
So i watched some live streaming of the outlaw open and I was blown away. So many athletes finished that muscle up and front squat wod, human bodies were lifting insane weights, a little lady ran a mile three times under 6min with doing work between. It was really incredible to see. It was almost too much. Maybe it had to do with not actually being there, but it was a different world. I can only dream of accomplishing what those women were doing. I’m sure it has taken a lot of hard work to get to where those athletes are today, but when they move so gracefully it looks like they were just born that way. 
Simultaneously however, i observed a 72 year old woman doing her WOD, full heartedly committed to her workout. There was visibly huge intensity and good movement. It was incredible. I guess it was obvious how impressed I was when her coach approached me and told me this lady had a stroke and thereafter chose crossfit to improve her health and reestablish self-confidence. Can you imagine the self-esteem of a lady who after suffering a stroke is able to keep up with all her younger peers in the crossfit environment? One arm dumbbell snatches, she literally was up on the pull-up-bar doing banded pull-ups, and then doing burpees. This woman’s life has changed. She is strong and athletic and absolutely incredible, but she worked to get there. She wasn’t an athlete all her life, this was a new investment into her health. And now her life is different. She has invested into a community that has embraced her and she has become a new person, inside and out. This was truly amazing, and this was inspirational.  
So let me discuss what I mean by inspired. This woman reaffirmed my belief in the importance in functional fitness for everyone. So I am inspired to bring my knowledge of fitness and health into the lives of more individuals. I want more people to be affected in this positive manner and become stronger and more functional. People don’t need to be fragile or weak, they can train their bodies to become fitter. and this is possible at any stage in a persons life. I have had great success at Culver City high school, but I want to make more of an impact than just that. I don’t necessarily know how, but at least I can start by being a role model and affecting those around me. That lady has put in the work and effort to make herself the best she can be, and that made an impression on me. I want to do the same. I want to consistently work hard to reach my own potential, and hopefully make an impression on those around me. And I want to be consistently open to sharing my thoughts and knowledge about fitness and health, so that everyone i come across can be affected and make informed lifestyle choices. And I’m sure I will keep learning from my peers and those around me and continue to mold my lifestyle accordingly. 
Who or what has recently inspired you?

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