Paradiso CrossFit WOD Blog

Training on The Road

Saturday Dec 27 2013– BRING A FRIEND OR FAMILY DAY! Prehab: Keg drill 1-2 minGymnastic Leg swings x10 ea legWall Squats x10 Partner Warm-up: Alternate between 200 m run and

It’s Friday Y’all

Friday, Decmber 27, 2014 Prehab: Keg DrillExternal/Internal Rotation Warm Up: 400 meter Run10 Wall Squats Perform unbroken with pvc, or any weight barbell: 10 Good Mornings10 BtN Snatch Grip Press10


Thursday, December 26th, 2013 Prehab: Monster walks (lateral/forward/back)Tricep mashLat activationsGroiners/Gristle Warmup: Row 500 Meters easy, then-2 Rounds:10 Wall Squats Plank Hold 45 sec5-15 push ups10 WallballsSampson Stretch 3o sec Strength: 5

Merry Christmas!

Wednesday, December 25, 2013   We are CLOSED for the day!    Merry Christmas to the entire Paradiso CrossFit family! I hope everyone enjoys a rest day surrounded by the

Merry Christmas Eve!

Tuesday, December 24, 2013 Check the schedule for class times!  Closed tomorrow! Mobility: 10 PVC Dislocates10 Prone Dislocates10 Scapula Push ups30 second bottom of Overhead Squat hold30 second Handstand or

The show must go on!

Weekly Programming Links:  Group Class, Advanced, Holiday Homework (and Holiday Homework from Thanksgiving week too) Stop hitting refresh every 5 minutes and relax by subscribing to the blog!  You will

Week of 12/24/13

This is the week of Christmas but the programming is written out for the whole week. Get the work in if and when you can. We will do a meet

Accomplish your 2014 weight loss resolution!

Sunday, December 22, 2013 Prehab: Monster walks Super rack stretch Ankle/Wrist mobility Samson stretch The goal for today is continual movement.  We will work to keep everyone together.  If you

Injuries = Blessing in Disguise

Saturday Dec 21, 2013  Prehab:  Side Plank accumulate 60” each armScapula Push ups x15Fire Hydrants x15 Warm-up 2 min Jumping Jacks Set 1 PVC –> set 2 Barbell 7 OHS

Planning Ahead

Friday, December 20, 2013 Prehab: DROMShoulder External RotationStep Aways w/Theraband Warm Up: 400 meter Run20 Grasshoppers10 T-Push ups10 Strict Pull ups or Ring Rows10 Good Mornings w/barbell Strength: 4 Rounds: