It’s Friday Y’all

Friday, Decmber 27, 2014


Keg Drill
External/Internal Rotation

Warm Up:

400 meter Run
10 Wall Squats

Perform unbroken with pvc, or any weight barbell:

10 Good Mornings
10 BtN Snatch Grip Press
10 Overhead Squats, hold the bottom of last rep 

Then 2 rounds, 3 reps each unbroken of:

Power Snatch Balance
Power Snatch from Position 1
Power Snatch from Position 2
Power Snatch from Position 3
(second round is full squat)


EMOM for 10 min:

3 Squat Snatches

Notes:  These do not have to be touch and go, but feel free to work on that if you want.  The goal is to go as heavy as possible with no misses. You can also perform 3 power snatches + 3 OHS if you don’t feel comfortable with full squat snatches yet. 


5 rounds for total working time of:

10 Overhead Squats (135/95)
500′ Shuttle Run (50′ course, 5 down and back trips)
10 C2B Pull-ups

Rest 1:00 after each round.

Notes:  If you cannot perform full depth overhead squats, perform front squats.  Scale the C2B pullups so that you can make chest contact every rep, not just regular pullups.

Cool Down:

Calf Stretch
Couch Stretch
Foam Roll as needed

So far, my holiday has been full of family, friends, and driving.  We drove from LA to the mighty Midwest to be with our families and enjoy this time of the year together.  As much as I love being home, as Suver mentioned yesterday, it can be quite difficult to make good choices with your food and drink intake.  I’ve been able to weather storm and avoid most of the gluten and sugar that is a staple at any Christmas party and make choices that I won’t regret in the morning or at the box.  It hasn’t been easy, especially when cute grandma’s are throwing amazing sugary snacks in your face; how do you say no to Grandma?  

The cool thing about coming home is talking to my family and educating them on what I’ve been up to and how I’m living a healthier life.  There were lots of questions about food and diet along with aches and pains in their knees and backs.  I gave them Steve’s email and told them to squat more.  They weren’t amused.  Eventually, I was able to “trick” a couple family members into doing a workout with me outside in the 9 degree weather.  They had a blast and they told me they’re going to be looking into a local box and dropping in for an intro session.  Changing lives, boom.

So if you are still celebrating with your family and have big plans for New Year’s, try to make smart decisions but continue to have a great time and celebrate.  Don’t lose focus of how far you have come or where you want to be.  Have a happy New Year everyone! 

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