The Gateway
Thursday, June 28th, 2012 Mobility:Shoulder Prep Gymnastics!15 Minutes, 2 to 3 rounds for quality5 Handstand Kick ups 5 Muscle up row or false grip ring row 2 Strict Handstand Push
Tuesday, June 26, 2012 Mobility:DROM20 leg swings per sideFloor portion of shoulder prep Strength:Back squat: 5-5-5-5-5*First 3 sets at 75% of 3 RM, last 2 sets at 80% of 3RM-
Words, words, words….
Monday, June 25, 2012 Mobility/Warm-up: 6 rounds, 20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest: Single unders Rack mobility, 1 minute 15 Hip extensions 15 Ghd Sit ups
Sunday fun-day!
Sunday, June 24, 2012 Mobility:DROMAnkle mobilityWrist mobility Warm-up:15 minutes to perform 3-5 rounds of:10 second Handstand hold20 Hollow rocks5 Handstand push ups (strict, partial range of motion is ok)5 second
Summertime, and What You’re Doing Today.
Saturday, June 23, 2012 Warm up and Mobility:DROMTriceps mash, 1 minute per armBottom of squat, 2 minutes Strength:1a) 5 x 3 Push Press, heavy, rest 60 seconds1b) 5 x 3
Relax, the CFE Taper
Friday, June 22, 2012 Warm up/Mobility:Jog 400 metersKeg drill, 2 minutesBottom of squat, 2 minutes Strength:Take 15 minutes and perform:5×3 Snatch High Pull This is a snatch pull with a
The Other You
Thursday, June 21st, 2012 Mobility: DROM Banded Shoulder Distraction, 1 min per arm 3 Plate Walks Gymnastic Warm up 15 to 20 Minutes, 3 to 5 rounds 5 Strict Dips
Wednesday, June 20, 2012 Mobility:2 minutes Single undersDROM and shoulder prep as needed2 minutes Single unders Gymnastics Warm-up:Take 20 minutes and perform 3-5 rounds for quality:3 Strict or L-pull-ups4 Handstand
Tuesday, June 19, 2012 Mobility:Jog 20010 Wall squatsPigeon on box, 90 seconds eachRack mobility, 2 minutes Warm-up:Back squat 8-5-3-3-3 Use 75-85-90-95-95% of your 3 Rep Max, rest 2-3 minutes Workout:4
Monday, June 18, 2012 Track Night tonight at 6:30! Mobility: DROM Rack mobility of choice, 2 minutes Strength warm-up: 3-3-3-3 1 1/4 Front Squat, rest 60 seconds Workout: Three rounds