
Wednesday, June 20, 2012

2 minutes Single unders
DROM and shoulder prep as needed
2 minutes Single unders

Gymnastics Warm-up:
Take 20 minutes and perform 3-5 rounds for quality:
3 Strict or L-pull-ups
4 Handstand kick-ups, 10 second hold
8 Pistols

As many rounds as possible in 10 minutes of:
7 Push press (135/95)
30 Jumping lunges
15 V-ups

Cool down:
Row 500 meters and then perform 2 rounds of:
Bar hang, 30 seconds
Quad on wall, 30 seconds
Cobra, 30 seconds

Our favorite ginger is the guest author today….
CrossFit Total came up last week and I decided to look back at my numbers over the past 2.5+ years.  I’ve kept pretty good tabs on my workouts since I started – first on Google Docs and later on dailymile – so they were easy to find.  Here’s my first CrossFit Total from December 13, 2009.  I had finished On Ramp (with Assassin!) just a few days prior, and this was my first regular class.
Back squat 165(easy)-185-200
Press 95-105(miss)-100
Deadlift 205-225-255
Baseline 555
My most recent total came in about 275 pounds heavier than that first time, and it’s cool to look back and see it gradually increase over time.  Every once in a while I’ll spend some time going through workouts from 6, 12, or more months back; progress and changes are clearly evident.  If you aren’t already tracking your workouts in an easily accessible format, start now!  Track more than just numbers, too: mood, satisfaction, performance of your CF Total nemesis, whatever!  I guarantee you’ll get something out of it.

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