Training on The Road
Saturday Dec 27 2013– BRING A FRIEND OR FAMILY DAY! Prehab: Keg drill 1-2 minGymnastic Leg swings x10 ea legWall Squats x10 Partner Warm-up: Alternate between 200 m run and
Injuries = Blessing in Disguise
Saturday Dec 21, 2013 Prehab: Side Plank accumulate 60” each armScapula Push ups x15Fire Hydrants x15 Warm-up 2 min Jumping Jacks Set 1 PVC –> set 2 Barbell 7 OHS
Protect Your Back, Strengthen Your Core
Saturday Dec 14, 2013 Prehab: Monster walks 2×20′Wall Extensions x15Fire Hydrants x15 Warm Up: Partner Run 400 m with Wall Ball (20/14)Junk Yard Dog x5 repsPartner Wall Balls x20Partner Burpees
How to Warm Up Properly to Heavy Lifting
Saturday, 12/7/2013 Prehab: Wall Extensions x10Wall Squats x10Handstand Holds x30″ Warm up: 400m Jog-then- 1 round with Barbell of:8 Bicep Curls8 Close Grip Upright Rows8 Front squats8 Push Press8
The Most Important Question You Can Ask
Saturday, November 30, 2013 The last Bring a Friend or Family Day! If you bring anyone, be sure to read the notes below, show up early to sign paperwork and
Olympic Lifting at PCF
Saturday 11/ 23 Prehab: Fire Hydrants PVC Dislocates in prone Snow angels in prone Partner Warm up: Mountain Climbers Handstand Hold Push ups Air Squats While partner 1 runs 100
Ice Cup Massage
Saturday, November 16, 2013: Just a reminder, due to the number of athletes and coaches competing tomorrow, we will only be having open gym hours. Check the schedule for details!
Express Your Fitness
Saturday, November 9 Prehab: GroinersProne PVC dislocates x15 Prone Snow angels x15 Warm up: “Roxanne” For duration of the song stay moving with jumping jacks, then perform Burpee every
Saturday November 2, 2013 Warm-up: Junk yard dog 2 rounds of 7 Reps: PVC dislocates OHS Snatch Balance Strength 15 minutes to establish a 1RM Hang Snatch.
Venice vs MDR…it is upon us
Saturday October 26, 2013…Judgement Day Venice vs. MDR Battle Royale! Be sure to sign up to represent your home gym and bring your family and friends and wear your