Week of 7/22/13

Monday – high volume/intensity in full lifts (or hang) and back squats.  1) Work up to a 1RM Snatch. No more than 3 misses.  2) EMOTM 5 minutes: 1 Snatch


Wednesday, July 17th 2013:  Mobility 2 Rounds:Monster WalkSide Plank Leg Raises, 10 eachInch Worms x 5Bar Taps x 10 Smolov Squat Cycle High Bar Back Squat 7X5 @ 75%+, rest

Week of 7/15/13

THIRD week of SMOLOV SQUAT CYCLE! (junior version)   Monday – high volume/intensity in full lifts (or hang) and back squats.  1) 7 x 1 Snatch + 5 Snatch Grip

Be a worker.

Wednesday, July 10th 2013  Remember that today is first the first Ultimate Frisbee metting at Venice at 5:30. The group will head down to the beach at 5:45. Feel free

Week of 7/8/13

Second week of SMOLOV SQUAT CYCLE! (junior version) Monday – high volume/intensity in full lifts (or hang) and back squats.  1) 7 x 1 Snatch + 2 Snatch Grip Push

More squatting.

Wednesday, July 3rd 2013 Mobility: – 2 Rounds – Monster Walk, 10 steps each directionBird Dogs, 15 reps each sideGood Mornings w/ Bar, 5 repsPause Back Squat w/ Bar, 5 reps. 

Week of 7/1/13

Kendrick Farris with a 215kg/473lb Clean & Jerk – this would smash the American record for this weight class. First week of SMOLOV SQUAT CYCLE! (junior version) Monday – high

So this is happening.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013 Mobility 2 Rounds:10 Scapular Push Ups10 Push Ups (tempo)10 Lat Activations10 Bird Dogs (each side)20 Squats Strength 10 minutes to establish a 1RM Push Press.-Rest 3

Week of 6/24/13

Brittany – VBC’s first national level weightlifter!  Testing Week! Monday – high volume/intensity in full lifts (or hang) and back squats.  1) EMOM for 5 minutes: 2 Snatches (full) @

Disaster Averted

It wasn’t you!  The website was down for over 12 hours!  Sorry for any inconveniences and stress this may have caused:) Wednesday, June 19, 2013 Mobility/Prehab 2 Rounds:Bird Dogs, 15