Week of 7/8/13
Second week of SMOLOV SQUAT CYCLE! (junior version)
Monday – high volume/intensity in full lifts (or hang) and back squats.
1) 7 x 1 Snatch + 2 Snatch Grip Push Press + 1 Overhead Squat (heaviest possible) – rest 90 sec.
2) Smolov 2/1 – Click Here for Smolov Calculator
6 x 6 @ 70% High Bar Back Squat – rest at least 2 minutes.
*If last week’s squats were all easy, and you had zero problem with any reps, you may add between 10 & 20# this week. If they became difficult in the last few sets, and you experienced some legitimate soreness, you may add between 5 & 10#. If you could not complete all sets or could not walk because you were so sore, then do not add weight.
Tuesday – High volume and heaviest possible from hang, blocks, pause. Additional Pull and Press work.
1) Smolov 2/2
7 x 5 @ 75% High Bar Back Squat – rest at least 2 minutes.
*If last week’s squats were all easy, and you had zero problem with any reps, you may add between 10 & 20# this week. If they became difficult in the last few sets, and you experienced some legitimate soreness, you may add between 5 & 10#. If you could not complete all sets or could not walk because you were so sore, then do not add weight.
2) 12 minutes to work to a max Power Clean & Jerk for the day, then:
EMOM for 5 minutes: 1 Power Clean & Jerk @ 85% of today’s max.
Thursday – POWER day (and more squatting)
1) Smolov 2/3 8 x 4 @ 80% High Bar Back Squat – rest at least 2 minutes
*If last week’s squats were all easy, and you had zero problem with any reps, you may add between 10 & 20# this week. If they became difficult in the last few sets, and you experienced some legitimate soreness, you may add between 5 & 10#. If you could not complete all sets or could not walk because you were so sore, then do not add weight.
2) 12 minutes to work to a max Power Snatch for the day, then:
EMOM for 5 minutes: 1 Power Snatch @ 90% of today’s max.
Saturday – VBC Sessions with Coach Derrick Johnson
1. Smolov 2/4
10 x 3 @ 85% High Bar Back Squat – rest at least 2 minutes
*If last week’s squats were all easy, and you had zero problem with any reps, you may add between 10 & 20# this week. If they became difficult in the last few sets, and you experienced some legitimate soreness, you may add between 5 & 10#. If you could not complete all sets or could not walk because you were so sore, then do not add weight.
2. MAX OUT DAY!!!! (For most athletes)
3. Additional volume technique work will be advised by Coach Derrick.
Sunday – VBC Session with Coach Derrick Johnson
1. Make up any of the weeks work that you might have missed as well as technique work per coach’s suggestion. Make sure to get your squats in a make at least a few high percentage attempts in each lift. Additional technique work will be advised by Coach Derrick.