Paradiso CrossFit WOD Blog

The Third Model

Rest Day   first and second.)  The third knew many names: statistical model, hopper model, or balance in modal capacity.  It also was not so easy to define, nor did it lend


Run 5k for time Get to know the route before you come in!   Post times to comments   You may or may not have met my neighbor Bill.  He

Strung Out

As many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of: Row 250 meters 21 Sumo Deadlift High pull (95M/65W) 15 Pull ups   If you haven’t noticed, I’m becoming borderline obsessed

Highlight Reel

Thruster 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 Stretching is a very serious matter This morning I did a WOD with some thrusters and rowing in an attempt to wake up.  On my very last rep,


Traver Boehm is co-owner, along with Eric Malzone, of CrossFit Pacific Coast, an MMA fighter, surfer, acupuncturist, badass CrossFitter, excellent coach, and a treasured friend and confidante.  I had the honor of training

Muscle Up!

  30 Muscle ups for time One of the criteria for exercise selection in CrossFit is commonness of motor pattern, or ‘How universal is the motor recruitment pattern?’  When we

Stall Bars

For time: Run 800 meters 15 left-legged pistols 15 right-legged pistols 25 sit-ups 12 left-legged pistols 12 right-legged pistols 25 sit-ups 9 right-legged pistols 9 left legged pistols 25 sit-ups

Anaerobic vs Aerobic with Emphasis on Intensity

Please Note:  There will be no morning classes today!  There will be a Noon, 5, 6, and 7pm class only today.  Remember to bring your ipod! How dare you eat


For time: 25 Walking lunge steps 20 Pull-ups 50 Box jumps, 20 inch box 20 Double-unders 25 Ring dips 20 Knees to elbows 30 Kettlebell swings 30 Sit-ups 20 Dumbell

Cues Me?

“Helen“ Three rounds for time: Run 400 meters 21 Kettlebell swings 12 Pull-ups   It must be the shoes, I wanna be like Mike, you know…Just do it