Paradiso CrossFit WOD Blog
Chest to Bar Pull ups
Just like it sounds! Instead of the normal standard of just the chin over the bar, you must make physical contact of the bar with your chest. The standard is
The power clean is an olympic lift performed from the ground to the shoulder without a squat. The set up and initial pull is much like a deadlift, but when
This is a classic CrossFit movement…lots of work done quickly. This movement is a compromise between a front squat and a press position. The best thrusters utilize the legs and
Starting with a squat, drive the medicine ball up to a ten foot target and repeat! Remember to keep the chest and elbows up and descend to a below parallel
Water Baby
Snatch 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 reps Do you know the Burgener Warm up? Remember to check the video library for a review on the movements! Be sure to welcome Alex to the gym
Tick tock.
Three rounds for time of: Run 100 meters 50 Push-ups Run 100 meters 50 Sit-ups Run 100 meters 50 Squats Run 100 meters 50 Back extensions Post time to comments.
Beans beans, the magical fruit. The more you eat the more you… Click on the picture for a great article about legumes that was posted on You’d be surprised how
“Hammer” Five rounds, each for time of: 135 pound Power clean, 5 reps 135 pound Front squat, 10 reps 135 pound Jerk, 5 reps 20 Pull- ups Rest 90 seconds
Espirit de Corps
Team WOD! For those of you who are new to PCF, it has become an unofficial tradition that when a Main Site rest day falls on a Saturday, the Workout
Knowledge is Power!
“Lynne” Five rounds for max reps of: Body weight bench press Pull-ups Post reps for both exercises in all rounds. I don’t own a television for one reason, its a