Paradiso CrossFit WOD Blog

Happy Tuesday!

Tuesday, April 9, 2013 Mobility: DROM, include wrists and anklesPosterior flossingSuper rack w/ band Strength: 20 Minutes to establish a 1RM Clean & Jerk Classic Conditioning: AMRAP 12 minutes of:7/4

Base Camp begins!

Click HERE if you would like to see a breakdown of all the Base Camp classes and times. Remember, all Unlimited Memberships have access to these classes as well! Moving

Mark your Calendar

The EIE Challenge officially ends today!  Read below for the retest details! Check the schedule for new Women’s Only class times at MDR and our first Base Camp classes with

USAW Goodland Open

Here is the information from our friend Nick Conn and Matt Major regarding the USAW meet at CrossFit Goodland near Santa Barbara on April 6th. I will be lifting and

Picadillo Stuffed Peppers!

Sunday, April 7, 2013 EIE Challenge Tip of the Day 41: You’ve all come such a long way and you’re so close to being done with an experience that we

PT for all!

Saturday, April 6, 2013 Mobility: Keg DrillLat ActivationsAssisted Bottom of the Squt15 PVC Overhead Squats Strength: 20 Minutes to establish a 1RM Snatch Conditioning: 2k Row or 1 mile Runrest

13.5: The Grand Finale!!

Friday, April 5, 2013 Friday Night Lights at MDR!  Be there to cheer on you fellow PCFer’s EIE Challenge Tip ‘o the Day:  If nerves get the best of you


Thursday, April 4, 2012 Many athletes may take a rest day to come in fully recovered for Friday Night Lights. EIEC Tip of the Day:  It never ends.  Just because

Train with an Olympian!

Wednesday, April 3, 2013 EIE Challenge Tip of the Day 37: Good nutrition choices become easier with time. The challenge was a punch in the stomach for some people but

1 more!

Tuesday, April 2, 2013 EIE Challenge Tip of the Day 36: Congratulate yourself!  You’re almost to the proverbial finish line (hopefully this is just the beginning).  I know a lot