Paradiso CrossFit WOD Blog
Tuesday, June 11, 2013 Mobility: 10 Scapula Push ups10 T-Push upsFire Hydrants, 10 each side, each wayHip extension with band Strength: Every 40 seconds for 4 minutes:1 Snatch (full) +
Slamming Bars
Weekly Programming Links: Group Class, Venice Barbell Club Monday, June 10, 2013 Mobility/Prehab: 2 rounds, 10 reps eachDownward Dog Ankle StretchSide Plank leg raisesBird DogsStanding Wall Extensions Classic Strength: Spend
Olympic Weightlifting Seminar with Jon North
On June 9th we will be hosting Jon and Jessica North for an Attitude Nation Seminar. It will be a full day of lifting with half the day dedicated to
Coconut Shrimp
Sunday, June 9, 2013 Mobility: 10 Wall extensionsDownward dog ankle stretchLat activations Strength/Skill: 3 Rounds 1 min headstand 2 min to work on linking butterfly/kipping pull-ups 1 min to work
Crossfit and Survival
Saturday, June 8, 2013 Mobility: Monster walksSuper rack stretch Foam Roll T-spineHip DROM Classic Strength: 15 min to find 3RM Front Squat Notes: Focus on good depth and quality position. If you
Are you sore?
Friday, June 7, 2013 Mobility: Posterior Chain FlossExternal shoulder rotation with bandFoam Roll as Necessary Strength: 5X2 Hi-Hang Cleans + 1 Jerk – heaviest possible, rest 60 sec. Notes: A
Summer Six Packs and Other Stuff
Thursday, June 6th Gymnastics Day! Warm up/Mobility: Quick DROMWrist stretches, 10 each direction We will work on progressions for the following skills today: Handstand Body positioning and balance L-Sit Planche
Another Wednesday!
Wednesday, June 5, 2013 Mobility: 15 Hip ExtensionsPosterior Chain Floss w/ Band15 Bird Dogs each side10 Inch Worms Classic Strength: 5×3 Deadlifts, rest 60-90 seconds Notes: These are not touch