Paradiso CrossFit WOD Blog

Gymnastics Warmup – Wide Grip Muscle-up Ring Row

An advanced version of the regular Muscle-up Ring Row.  This is a great drill for developing tendon strength through our elbows and shoulders.


A fundamental gymnastic movement!  Strength in this position will not only relate over to other gymnastic movements, but all other overhead movements!  Read below for learning progressions!   Safety Tip:

Gymnastics Warmup – Intermediate Level

Choose 4-5 exercises from below and perform 3-5 rounds with the following rep scheme: gymnastic movements, 3-5 reps each; Hip-Back Extensions, 10 reps each; static hold positions, maintain each for

Gymnastics Warmup – Intermediate Minus Level

Choose 4-5 exercises from below and perform 3-5 rounds with the following rep scheme: gymnastic movements, 3-5 reps each; Hip/Back Extensions, 10 reps each; static hold positions, maintain each for