Paradiso CrossFit WOD Blog
Pigeon Stretch
For those all important Glutes! Don’t get stuck in one position, focus on a good back position and explore the box variation as well! Click HERE for a demo with
Hip Extension with Band
Click HERE for a demo with explanation.
Pigeon on Box
For those all important Glutes! Don’t get stuck in one position, focus on a good back position and explore the floor variation as well! Click HERE for a demo with explanation.
Pigs on Ice Skates
Just one part of our Hip Prep Series. Click HERE for a demo with explanation. Safety Tip: Be careful if you have pain in your knees. Instead of walking
Gain some strength and balance with this squat variation! Click HERE for a demo with explanation and progressions. Safety Tip: Be sure to warmup and mobilize the knees and
Plate Walk
A great warmup and part of our Shoulder Prep Series. Click HERE for a demo with explanation. Mobility Suggestions: Wrist Mobility
Power Clean
Click HERE for a demo with explanation. If you need more reveiw on the basics, check out the full Clean Learning Progressions HERE. exercises-and-progressions/keg-drill-2/ Scaling Suggestion: Use Dumbbells if
Power Snatch
Click HERE for a demo with explanation. Safety tip: Focus on a quality Overhead Position every time you receive the bar! Scaling Suggestions: If you are still learning the movement, prioritize making contact
Pressing Snatch Balance
This is a great warmup movement and part of our Snatch Skill Transfer Series, click HERE for a demo with explanation. Safety tip: Prioritize a quality Overhead Position before depth! Mobility Suggestions: