Paradiso CrossFit WOD Blog
Jumping Lunges
This is an advanced or more dynamic version of our walking Lunge. Click HERE to watch the demo with explanation of our walking Lunge to learn the movement standards and
Deficit Deadlift
This is an advanced version of the Deadlift, requiring more midline stability and mobility. Click HERE for a demo with explanation of the standard Deadlift. Mobility: Hamstrings:
Jump Rope Jog
Click HERE for a demo with explanation. Learning Progression: This series will teach you to run with a jump rope in a way that will transfer over to
Jump Rope Jog in Place
Check out the video progression series below. This series will teach you to run with a jump rope in a way that will transfer over to better bio mechanics in your
Hand Release Pushups
A more advanced version of the basic pushup. Click HERE for a demo and explanation. Mobility Suggestions: Internal Rotation Stretch Internal Rotation Smash with a Barbell External Rotation Smash
Kipping Handstand Pushups
Click HERE for a demo with Explanation. Just learning to do a Handstand? Click HERE for the Handstand Learning Progression.