Paradiso CrossFit WOD Blog
Jump Rope Jog Progression – Running in Place
Learning Progression: This series will teach you to run with a jump rope in a way that will transfer over to better bio mechanics in your actual running stride. 1.
Jump Rope Jog Progression – Basic Bounce with Lean
Learning Progression: This series will teach you to run with a jump rope in a way that will transfer over to better bio mechanics in your actual running stride. 1.
Jump Rope Jog Progression – Basic Bounce
Learning Progression: This series will teach you to run with a jump rope in a way that will transfer over to better bio mechanics in your actual running stride. 1.
100 Ups Drill – Advanced explanation
This drill works on the Pose and the Pull of Pose Running. More specifically, it works on changing support from one pose to the next, in the case of
100 Ups Drill – Beginner explanation
This drill works the Pose and the Pull in Pose Running. Pull foot straight up directly under the hip using the hamstring while keeping the ankle and foot
Overhead Band Distraction with External Rotation
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Foam Roll Lats
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Wall Drill with Lean explanation
This drill combines all three cues for Pose Running – the Pose, the Fall, and the Pull. Start in the two foot Pose position. Straight line from head