Paradiso CrossFit WOD Blog
What does your Christmas look like?
Saturday, December 15, 2012 Solo Warmup: Row 500mHip extension with a bandAssisted squat with a bandTricep mashpractice handstand pushups Group Warmup: Abridged version of hip prep Strength,
My 71.3
Friday, December 14, 2012 Last minute plans for a Holiday Hike in Malibu THIS SUNDAY! Cross your fingers for Rain…mud equals fun!! Solo Warmup 500m Row – slowly build up
My First Time
Thursday, December 13, 2012 Because of the logistical challenges this workout experience presents, we will start the clock at 15 minutes after the hour in order to run 2 heats.
Foot Pull with Wall Drill Demo
Check out the video explanation here: Foot Pull with Wall Drill
Jump Rope Jog Progression – Running with Lean
Learning Progression: This series will teach you to run with a jump rope in a way that will transfer over to better bio mechanics in your actual running stride. 1.