Nerd and Nerdier

Thursday, September 13, 2012 Warm up:5 minutes double under practiceAdvanced:  10 on minute 1, 20 on minute 2, 30 on minute 3  . . . 50 on minute 5 Strength/Skill:7


Warm Up/ Mobility:3 rounds or 10 minutes:Row (100m easy, 100m sprint)5 Push Ups5 Strict Pull Ups/ Lat activations Strength: Establish your 1 RM Bench press and 1 RM Weighted Strict

It’s always something…

Tuesday, September, 11, 2012 Mobility:10 Air squatsGroiners and Gristle from Hip prep10 Hip extensions10 Ghd sit-ups10 Squats w/barbell Strength:Take 30 minutes to establish a 1 RM Back squat Notes: Work

Let the Testing Begin!

Monday, September 10, 2012 Programming for Testing Week!  Beyond the Whiteboard is now complimentary!  Sign up today! Warmup/Mobility:3 rounds or 10 minutes of:200m row5 Handstand kick ups10 Wall squats20 second

Always something new to learn

Sunday, September 9, 2012 Mobility:Keg drill, 2 minutesPigeon, 1 minute each10 PVC dislocates10 Overhead squats10 Hang squat snatch (pvc or light bar) Strength/Skill:15 minutes to work up to a heavy

Downhill Mountain Biking at Mammoth

Sign up for two days of exploring and adventuring over the weekend of September 7th!    Most people will spend at least one day downhill mountain biking, but there is


Saturday, August 8, 2012 Strength/Skill: Practice and warmup your squat clean and then get to it! WOD: (by request) “Hidalgo“ For time: Run 2 miles Rest 2 minutes 135 pound

Many Thanks, and the CFE S&C Recovery

Friday, September 7, 2012 Mobility/Warmup:10 minutes or 2 rounds of:Row 200 meters1 minute of your fav Hip Mobility10 Good Morning with barbell10 GHD Situps10 Overhead Squats with Barbell or PVC

What the Sea Gave Us

Thursday, September 6, 2012 Mobility:Hip Prep AND Shoulder Prep Strength: Take 20 minutes to work on this complex:  1 Power Clean + 2 Split Jerks Notes:  Go as heavy as


Wednesday, September 5 Track Night only a few blocks from the gym tonight! Warm Up/ Mobility:Run 400 m DROM15 PVC Dislocates15 Push ups15 Ring pull ups/activations15 Jumping Squats15 Hip Extensions