Many Thanks, and the CFE S&C Recovery

Friday, September 7, 2012

10 minutes or 2 rounds of:
Row 200 meters
1 minute of your fav Hip Mobility
10 Good Morning with barbell
10 GHD Situps
10 Overhead Squats with Barbell or PVC

5X5 Back Squats @ 75% – rest 90 sec between sets

“The Tears of a Spider Monkey”
7 rounds for time of:
20 Push Press @ 75/55lbs
20 OHS @ 75/55lbs

-20 minute time cap-

Notes: This will be a very hard workout to make the time cap as prescribed. Scale the reps, rounds and/or weight and try to finish…or not:)

Cool Down:
10 Wall Extenions
Foam Roll Legs, 2 minutes each
10 Wall Extensions

From the Vault:  2009, Climbing at Stoney Point in Simi Valley

To bounce off of McCoy’s post from earlier this week, I wanted to second the fact that this past Labor Day was an amazing holiday weekend!  I am starting appreciate what LA has to offer more and more, and am truly grateful for my health and the chance to develop my health with everyone at PCF.  Every weekend I am reminded how important it is for my lifestyle and my quality of life.  For example, this past Saturday I did a 5k trail run at Tree People with PCFers, hit a PR on both the Snatch and the Clean & Jerk at the gym after, then had delicious Paleo grub before playing beach volleyball, surfing, and enjoying some ciders and the sunset in Hermosa Beach.  Labor Day was the same but different; an epic 3 hour surf session in Malibu (pushing through my calf and tricep both tightening up from paddling and being dehydrated in the sun for so long, I ended up catching some of the best waves of my life), then off to the gym for a quick med ball WOD, then more Paleo grub down the hatch before beach volleyball with PCFers at Mother’s Beach, and finally capping the weekend off with Margarita’s and friends on an outdoor patio.

I always think after such a weekend that none of it would be possible if I were not physically fit and living in a city that offers such a variety of activities.  I think of how many people out there are missing out on enjoying a high quality and active life because they are physically unable to handle some of these activites.   Now compare people like that to all of us at the gym who are blessed with the option of saying yes to things like ragnar, half marathons, sprint triathlons, surfing, beach volleyball, downhill mountain biking, or rock climbing (to name only a few activities) without any fear or hesitation.  I hope all of you are taking advantage of your health, and testing your fitness whenever possible.  Most of my weekend was not planned at all, and was driven by spur of the moment decisions, which only reminds me how grateful I am for my health, this city, and the people in my life.

And the adventure continues!  I hope many of you are going to enjoy Mammoth this weekend, you will not regret it!  I again said yes to something without really thinking of what it would mean and am off to my own adventure, the 8,000m Challenge; a 24 hour, 30 mile, 3-peak ascent up Mt Baldy, San Gorgonio, and San Jacinto.  By the time this post goes up I hopefully will have completed the first two legs and will be driving to San Jacinto for the final climb!  After a trip like that I am sure to be extremely sore and in need of some active recovery.  Below I offer the official Crossfit Endurance Strength and Conditioning recovery which can and should be done after any hard race or long run. This is not a timed WOD, all exercises are light to medium weights, and the reps are until you feel a burn or hit the prescribed amount.  Again, this is to be done the day of an event, and every day after until you feel whole and ready to work out again, enjoy! 

Official CFE Strength & Conditioning Recovery, Post Race

3 set of 15 reps, light to medium weights:
GHD Sit-ups
GHD Hip extensions
Kettlebell swings
Bench Press


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