Resting smart
Mid workout, Gretchen notices how nice the color of the wall is Work/rest interval management is crucial to maximizing output during most of our workouts. It is also, very hard
Keep On
Four rounds for time of: Walking lunge 50 meters 50 Sit ups Post time to comments. My newest and greatest book cover, simply amazing!! I have been waxing
Ghosts of Injuries past
“Tabata Something Else“ Complete 32 intervals of 20 seconds of work followed by ten seconds of rest where the first 8 intervals are pull-ups, the second 8 are push-ups,
Weighted pull-ups 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 reps Post weights to comments. My father extends his best to everyone. I asked him to write his impressions about the gym for me and
Happy Rest Day all. What’s your favorite thing to do on non WOD days? Matty pretends to not know the camera’s on him
“Tyler” Five rounds for time of: 7 Muscle-ups 21 Sumo-deadlift high-pull (95M/65W) Post time to comments. Poser Before I get started, I just rewatched this video of Josh
Same story, different day
For time: 21 Hip-Back Extensions Run 400 meters 18 Hip-Back Extensions Run 400 meters 15 Hip-Back Extensions Run 400 meters 12 Hip-Back Extensions Run 400 meters 9 Hip-Back Extensions Run
Mainsite Hell
5 Rounds for time of: 15 Hang Squat Cleans (135M/95W) 30 Push ups Post times to comments How many of you have read the entire board from above?
Learn your steaks. Post favorite cuts, doneness, jaunts, recipes, restaurants, suppliers, farmers, and best and worst experiences (house parties count) to comments.
Climbing cancelled due to rain! See you in the gym:) CrossFit Total Back Squat 1 rep max Press 1 rep max Deadlift 1 rep max 3 attempts per lift, score