My First Hashing Run

Thursday, October 25, 2012 2nd Annual Beach Cruiser Sprint Triathlon reminder!!!  We need a final head count of participants and volunteers by Saturday!  It’s a super fun event, and perfect

Everything is everything is everything….

Tuesday, October 23, 2012 Mobility/Warm-up:5 minutes to practice Double-undersDROM, include leg swings, groiners and gristle, ankles10 Back squats (bar only)-TESTAssisted bottom of squat, 2 minutesPigeon, 1 minute each10 Back squats

Case of the Mundays

Monday, October 22, 2012 Check out the weekly programming HERE! The deadline to register to vote is midnight tonight!  Click HERE to register now! Warmup/Mobility:Jog 400 metersT-Spine Smash, 2 minutesIR

6 Mile Morning Beach Run

6 Mile Training run along the beach.  7:45am meeting at the Totem Pole on the corner of Ocean Avenue and Adelaide Drive, in Santa Monica (map) and running south to Venice Ale

In Omnia Paratus

Friday, October 19, 2012 Warmup/Mobility:Hip PrepPick 2 of the following, 1 min per side or 2 min total for each:Hip Extension with BandAnkle MobilityPosterior Chain Flossing with BandAssisted Bottom of

The 4 Kinds of Torture

Thursday, October 18, 2012 Warm up/Mobility:Jump rope practice, 3 minutesShoulder PrepGristle/Groiners, 1 minute back and forth10 Overhead Squats, bar or PVC EMOTM for 8 minutes:5 Strict Handstand Push ups10 Double

People are awesome.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012 Mobility/Warm-up:Jog 200 metersBanded shoulder distraction, 1 minute each sidePush up series from shoulder prepLat activations from shoulder prep  Strength/Skill:EMOTM for 10 Minutes:2 Turkish Get-ups (note: this

Dance WOD!

The Brainchild of McCoy, this will be our 3rd installment.  Just watch, and then show up!

A Friendly Reminder

Monday, October 15, 2012 Check out the weekly programming HERE!  On Ramp HERE! Warmup/Mobility:Row 500 metersInternal Rotation Stretch on Bar, 1-2 minutes – DEMO VIDEOKeg Drill with Bar, 2 minutesAssisted

Reading Break

Saturday, October 13, 2012 Beach Side Run Reminder!!! Meet at the Totem Pole by San Vicente Boulevard and Ocean Avenue at 7:45 am for a nice morning run. Mobility/Warm up:Shoulder