The Bad Days with the (few) Good.
Wednesday June 12, 2o13 Mobility: Gristle/GroinerBottom of the Squat, 1 full minuteBird Dogs, 15 each sideBanded Rack Stretch, 1 minute each side Strength: 10x 1 Hi-Hang Clean, heavy as possible,
Olympic Weightlifting Seminar with Jon North
On June 9th we will be hosting Jon and Jessica North for an Attitude Nation Seminar. It will be a full day of lifting with half the day dedicated to
Another Wednesday!
Wednesday, June 5, 2013 Mobility: 15 Hip ExtensionsPosterior Chain Floss w/ Band15 Bird Dogs each side10 Inch Worms Classic Strength: 5×3 Deadlifts, rest 60-90 seconds Notes: These are not touch
Weekend Warriors
Wednesday, May 29, 2013 Mobility 15 Hip ExtensionsFire HydrantsBanded Rack StretchGristle/GroinerSamson Stretch Classic Strength: 5 x 3 Front Squats – heavy but as deep as possible AdvancedStrength: 5 x 1
Well that happened…
Wednesday, May 22, 2013 Mobility/Prehab Arm circles w/ theraband2o Scapular Push Ups10 Push Ups20 Fire Hydrants each leg10 Inch Worms Strength: 3X10 Bench @70% – Rest 3 minutes between sets