Mathcon Manifesto
Track Night at 7pm at SamoHi– Sign up HERE! Reminder to get your meat orders in by Friday! Click HERE for how this works! Prehab: Keg Drill PVC Dislocates Monster
2014 Open is a wrap!
Track Night at 7pm at SamoHi– Sign up HERE! Reminder to get your meat orders in by Friday! Click HERE for how this works! Tuesday, April 1, 2014 Prehab: Theraband
14.5 Friday Night Lights
As the quest for the #1 spot on the Paradiso Leaderboard continues, so does the Friday Night Lights! MDR from 5-8 pm is where greatness is strategized, tested and dominated.
Ogar Inspiration
Track Night at 7pm at SamoHi– Sign up HERE! Reminder to get your meat orders in by Friday! Click HERE for how this works! Tuesday, March 25, 2014 Prehab: Monster
Honorable Mention Gully
Track Night at 7pm at SamoHi– Sign up HERE! Reminder to get your meat orders in by Friday! Click HERE for how this works! Tuesday, March 18, 2014 – Rowing
14.3 Friday Night Lights
Two 2014 Open wod’s down, three to go! Now that we have DU’s and C2B out of the way we can focus on crushing 14.3. Let the electric energy of
14.2 PR’s!
Track Night at 7pm – Sign up HERE! Tuesday, March 11, 2014 Reminder to get your meat orders in by Friday! Click HERE for how this all works! Prehab: Banded Super Rack stretch
Butterfly Pullup
Track Night at 7pm at SamoHi– Sign up HERE! Reminder to get your meat orders in by Friday! Click HERE for how this works! Tuesday, March 4, 2014 Prehab: Theraband
Friday Night Lights 14.1
HERE WE GO! Another year, another open! This year should be quite exciting with all the hard work our athletes have been putting in over the last year. Coming together to
Hand Care
Commit to your fitness by signing up for the CrossFit Games Open HERE. We currently have 83 people signed up with a goal of reaching 250 by Friday. If you