Hand Care

Commit to your fitness by signing up for the CrossFit Games Open HERE.  We currently have 83 people signed up with a goal of reaching 250 by Friday.  If you don’t know what this whole Open thing is about or don’t know why you should signup, be sure to talk to a coach to find out more.  This is what we are training for!

Track Night at 7pm – Sign up HERE!

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Banded Super Rack Stretch
Leg Swings
PVC Dislocates

Warm Up:
Junk Yard Dog with Partners – 5 reps each
10 Front Squats 
10 Push Press
5 Power Cleans from Hi Hang
5 Power Cleans from Mid Hang
5 Power Cleans from Below the Knee
5 Push Jerks
5 Split Jerks

15 minutes to establish 3 Position Power Clean + Jerk (Floor, hang above the knee, hi hang)

Notes: Focus on a good set up with with chest up and hips down and sweeping the bar into your hips. Do not rush into the jerk, get stable and reset your feet before performing the jerk. For newer athletes start with hi hang, hang from above the knees, then from floor.  

EMOM for 5 min:
6/4 Muscle Ups (Rings or Bar)
ME Double Unders

 -Rest 2 minutes-

 4 Rounds of:
30sec ME Power Cleans (185/135/95)
60sec ME Row for Cals
60sec Rest

Notes:  Score will be scored as: lowest number of Mus/total Dus/total burpees/total power cleans.  For the EMOM, feel free to scale down as needed and do your best with the Double Unders!  If you cannot perform any DUs, feel free to sub single jumps.

Cool Down:
2X 10 Wall Extensions
50 Situps




All too often crossfit gets a bad rap because people will post pictures like the one above of their hands bloody and destroyed from any number of exercises we do in the gym. Not only should you never post pics of your bloodied hands you should avoid ripping them all together! 

2 times a week or so Ill use a PedEgg (basically a cheese grader for your hands and feet) to scrap my callouses at the end of my shower when my skin is at its softest to remove top layers. Nightly I will lather either shea butter, Badger Balm or Climb On all over my hands to help with sensitivity and soften up my callouses. Think about it as just another accessory to add to your wrist wraps and knee sleeves or just apart of your big set up routine like you would before a PR but either way implement this into your life! Since keeping up on taking care of my hands I have ripped very little and been able to grip a bar in training with less hand pain. Plus who doesnt love a little coconut mango shea butter smells??



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