Bring It On Rampers

Deadlift 3-3-3-3-3 Post Loads to comments. Love this movement, who knows what it is?? With a new breed of On Rampers starting tomorrow, you veterans need to set the example.

Clock Blockin the Beats

“Fight Gone Bad!” Three rounds of: Wall-ball,10 ft target (Reps) Sumo deadlift high-pull, 75 pounds (Reps) Box Jump, 20″ box (Reps) Push-press, 75 pounds (Reps) Row (Calories) In this workout

The Holy Grail

With a continuously running clock, squat for 60 seconds. Subtract the number of squats completed from 60, and do that many pull-ups in minute two. In minute three, squat again,

Its all happening

3 Rounds for time of: Walk on Hands, 100 ft Handstand hold for 2 minutes 15 Handstand Pushups Post time to comments, minus 6 minutes for the handstand holds. Whoooa,

One of a kind

“Lynne” 5 Rounds for Max reps of: Bodyweight Bench Press Pull ups Post total reps to comments I’m working on this…

Nice n Easy

Three rounds for time of: Walking lunge, 50 meters Standing broad-jump, 100 meters Run 200 meters Post time to comments. Ben “Hamburger Hands” Hopkins Have you ever checked out the

A Good Jerk

Push Jerk 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 Post loads to comments.   Franned More Olympic lifting today, which for some of you means more technique work and strength building.  Going back to our pyramid

Field Trippin’

“Fran“ 21-15-9 reps for time of: Thrusters (95/65) Pull ups Post times to comments. My buddy Mike V.  represents PCF at CrossFit Tricities in Chicago. Planning an excursion to Stoney


Power Clean 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 Post loads to comments.   The never before caught on film 6am class A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher

Introducing the Puhlayo Market

5 Rounds for time of: 50 Wall Balls 25 Pull ups Post times to comments. The steely glare of the Assassin No one knows where she came from or what