Paradiso CrossFit WOD Blog

Thursday, September 1, 2016

Houston….We have lift off Snatch work today! Prehab Foam Roll Quads 20 groiners 20 Scapular retractions in ring row position Plank hold 1min Warmup Coach chooses warm up Warm up

Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Front squat Wednesdays! Prehab Foam Roll Quads 20 groiners 20 Scapular retractions in ring row position Plank hold 1min Warmup Coach chooses warm up Warm up technique for strength work

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Week 3 of this cycle! How are you hanging?” Prehab Foam Roll Lats 2×10 Single Leg Romanian Dead lifts 2×15 Good Mornings with Barbell Warmup Coach’s Choice Warm Up Warm

Monday, August 29, 2016

Congrats to Lauren, Chelsea, Chase & Keith for finishing 1st at this weekend’s Summer Shakedown! Prehab Stretch Calves Stretch Achiles Foam Roll Quads Stretch Hamstrings Warmup Coach’s Choice Warm Up

Sunday, August 28, 2016

Sunday Funday #useyourfitness Prehab Foam Roll Quads 20 Groiners 20 Scapular Retractions in ring row position Plan hold 1 min Warmup Coach’s Choice Warm Up Warm up Technique for Strength

WEEK OF 8/28-9/3

  Monday – 8/29 1) Hatch Cycle Week 8, Day 1 2) Power Snatch  Max, 80-85% 2X2, 90%X1, 95%X1 3)Snatch Deadlift+Pull off platform (% of Snatch ) 3×3+2 100-125% Tuesday –

Saturday, August 27, 2016

Saturday Partner Stretch   Prehab Stretch Calves Stretch Achiles Foam Roll Quads Stretch Hamstrings Warmup Coach’s Choice Warm Up Warm up Technique for Strength Work Conditioning 10 Rounds each with

Friday, August 26, 2016

Time for some more… #squatlife Prehab Stretch Calves Stretch Achiles Foam Roll Quads Stretch Hamstrings Warmup Coach’s Choice Warm Up Warm up Technique for Strength Work Strength 20 Rep Back

Thursday, August 25, 2016

  Sandra working on her handstand walking everywhere she goes! Prehab Foam Roll Quads 20 groiners 20 Scapular retractions in ring row position Plank hold 1min Warmup Coach chooses warm