Paradiso CrossFit WOD Blog

Paradiso CrossFit Running – Ball of Foot Drill

  Click HERE for video explanation of the drill.   Ball of Foot – (BOF) is also referred to as the mid foot. It is the area forward of the

Forward Lunge Drill

  Stand in perfect posture on balls of feet with shoulders relaxed and arms at 90 degrees. While holding midline tight, exaggerate pulling one foot off the ground to figure

Gun Drill with explanation

    Stand in correct posture, hips neutral, knees slightly bent and feet shoulder width apart. Shoulders are relaxed and back. Vision is forward. Extend arms out in front of

Carioca with explanation

  Stand with arms stretched out to sides and weight balanced on balls of feet.  While leaning in one direction criss-cross the legs in front and back while moving in


“Barbara” Five rounds, each for time of: 20 Pull ups 30 Push ups 40 Sit ups 50 Squats Rest precisely three minutes between each round. Post time to comments. Brandon


Front Squat 1-10-1-20-1-30 reps Pat Barber: 335-275-345-225-355(fail)-200lbs(fail). Laurie Galassi: 175-145-185-135-180-115lbs. Watch Pat and Laurie demo the wod Compare to 12/23/09     Every Thursday for another 4 weeks, we will


Three rounds for time of: 50 pound dumbbell Waiter walk, 100 meters, Right arm 30 GHD Sit ups 50 pound dumbbell Waiter walk, 100 meters, Left arm 30 Back Extensions

Why Snacking Makes You Weak, Not Just Fat!

I came across this article today thanks to Katy Rickman over at Karma Crossit. I thought it did a great job explaining some basics. Be educated and enjoy! Click on

Too Oh Won

“San Francisco Crippler” For time: 30 Bodyweight Back Squats Row 1k You may run 1 mile instead of rowing but it will be called the “Newport Beach Crippler” Post times