Paradiso CrossFit WOD Blog

The Future

Thursday August 29, 2013 Warm up: 2 rounds10 Inchworms20 Bar Activiations30 Walking Lunges Gymnastic Strength 5 Rounds for quality: 2 Rope Climbs*3 Wall Climbs10 Muscle Up Ring Rows7 Strict Handstand

Strolling Down Memory Lane

Wednesday, August 28, 2013 Mobility/Prehab 2 Rounds:Lat Stretch, 15 sec each sideMonster Walk, 10 steps each direction200 meter jogHandstand Hold, 30 seconds Classic Strength EMOTM for 10 minutes – 3


Tuesday, August 27, 2013 Attention MDR Peeps!  There is NO PARKING today in the big lot.  Special event today only, tomorrow is back to normal.  NO PARKING IN BIG LOT

Week of 8/26/13

  Monday – Snatch Day 1) 3 Position Snatch (Floor, Hang, Hip): Max Effort 2) Then 5 sets at 5% less then above effort 3) Snatch High Pull From bottom

Listen to Jack

Weekly Programming:  Classic, Advanced, Venice Barbell Club Monday, August 26, 2013 Mobility/Prehab Keg Drill, 2 minutesthen, 2 Rounds with Barbell of:10 Good Mornings5 Snatch Grip Behind the Neck Press5 Overhead

Spicy Egg Frittata

Sunday, August 25, 2013 Mobility: External rotation w/ theraband10 Cossack squats10 Lat activations + 10 Bar taps10 Deck squats Gymnastics Strength: 5 Rounds for Quality, as a group:30 second Hollow

Competition and Community

SATURDAY 8/24/13   Mobility/Warm up: 2 Rounds:Row 200 mWall facing air squats x10Prone PVC dislocates x10Behind the Neck Barbell Push Press  x10   Classic Strength:  20 minutes to establish a

New Possible?

Friday, August 23, 2013 Mobility: 400 meter Run20 Walking Lunges15 Sit Ups10 Jumping Air Squats Classic Strength: High Bar Back Squat: 5X3 tempo back squats, as heavy as possible,  pause

The Road

Thursday, August 22, 2013 Mobility/Warm up: 2 rounds:10 Inchworms (in place or across room)20 Bar activations, vary the grips10 Air Squats Gymnastics Strength:  5 Rounds or 15 minutes for Quality:2

Ask Questions.

WEDNESDAY 8/21/13 Mobility 10 Inch Worms10 Lat Activations10 Wall Extensions10 Jumping Squats10 Burpees   Classic Strength:  3 Power snatches EMOM for 10 minutes.   Notes: These should be performed without dropping