Paradiso CrossFit WOD Blog

Week of 9/23/13

Monday – Snatch Day 1) 3 Position Snatch (floor, knees, high hang): Max for complex 2) Then 1 set @ 90%, 1 @ 95%, 1 @ 100%  3) Snatch Romanian


Sunday, September 22, 2013 Track Class at 8am at Santa Monica High – Sign up HERE Mobility/Warm-up: 10 Wall extensions 15 Scapula Push ups 10 Ring Rows 15 Jumping Squats

Joshua Tree Rock Climbing/Camping Trip

It’s that time of the year again! The Paradisoites are heading out to JT for some world class climbing. For the first time we were able to score not one,

Why do we crossfit?

Saturday, September 21, 2013 Beach workout at 1pm at Venice!  Bring a friend for free and be prepared to get wet!  Sign up HERE. Mobility/warm up: 2 rds: PVC dislocates

Let’s Do It Again!

Friday, September 20, 2013 Mobility: 400 meter Jog PVC Dislocates 10 T-Push ups 100′ Bear Crawl 15 Behind the Neck-Close grip Press w/bb 10 Push Press w/bb Strength: 12 minutes


Thursday, September 19, 2013 Advanced Specialty Class focusing on Butterfly Pullups and Handstand work – Sign up HERE Swim Night at 730pm at Culver City Plunge – Sign up HERE  Gymnastic Strength:

The Storm is coming.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013 Mobility/Warm Up With a barbell:10 Good Mornings10 Back Squats10 Behind the Neck Presses (Clean Grip and Snatch Grip)5 Overhead Squats5 Power Snatches  Classic Strength EMOM for


Tuesday, September 17, 2013 5k Testing Day!  This is programmed as the Conditioning for all classes today, but we hope you can join us at the Santa Monica High School

Week of 9/16/13

Monday – Snatch Day 1) Snatch from Hang (from knees): Max Triple  2) Then 3 sets at 5% less then above effort 3) Snatch High Pull from Hips: 4 x

Moving Pictures

-Weekly Programming Links:  Group Class, Advanced, Venice Barbell Club -5k Testing Day tomorrow at Santa Monica High at 7pm! -Joshua Tree Climbing Trip this coming weekend!  Email us to confirm