Week of 9/16/13
Monday – Snatch Day
1) Snatch from Hang (from knees): Max Triple
2) Then 3 sets at 5% less then above effort
3) Snatch High Pull from Hips: 4 x 5 @ 80% of Snatch
Tuesday – Clean and Jerk/Squats
1) Clean & Jerk from Hang (top of knee): Max double
2) Then 3 sets at 10% less than Max Effort from above
3) Back Squat: 65%x5, 70%x5, 75%x5, 80%x5
4) Front Squat: 60%x5, 65%x5 x 3 sets
Thursday – Power Day
1) Three Position Power Snatch (floor, 2″ off floor, knees): Max Complex
2) Three Position Power Clean (floor, 2″ off floor, knees): Max Complex
3) Jerk Triples: Heavy but not maximal.
Friday – Blocks/Squats
1) Snatch from Blocks @ knees: 2 reps + 1 rep from floor
2) Clean from Blocks @ knee: 2 reps + 1 rep from floor – jerk on last rep.
3) Back Squat: 65%x5 for 2 sets, 70%x5 for 3 sets
4) Front Squat: 60%x5 for 4 sets
Saturday – Max out Day!
1) Snatch Max
2) Clean and Jerk Max
3) 3RM Front Squat Max