Paradiso CrossFit WOD Blog

Knife skills partner WOD.

Sunday March 23, 2014 Mobility: Hip extension w/ bandPosterior chain flossCalf stretch Warm up: Jog 400 meters 2x: 5 Inchworms 10 Pull ups or Ring rows 15 Squats Agility/Conditioning: Death

Give Yourself a Break

Saturday March 22   10:30 am class in Venice is CANCELLED for the Travis Brewer Calisthenics Clinic from 11-noon. Prehab:  Snow Angels x20Bird Dogs x15Handstand Hold x45″ Warm up: 2

14.4 Friday Night Lights

Only two FNL left and the Open season will come to an end. What an amazing environment to watch everyone go above and beyond of what they thought possible. Keep fighting


Friday Night Lights at MDR starting at 5pm!  Sign up for a heat time HERE.  Come to sweat it out, or show support and cheer on your fellow PCFers!  

Got a Bad Knee? Start Walking On Your Hands!

Swim Night!  Register HERE! Thursday March 20, 2014 Prehab: Hip DROM OH Band Distraction- 1min. ea. arm Tricep Smash & FLoss Warm Up: 50′ Bear Crawl 10 Bar Taps 5

Dan and Ted’s Excellent EIE Adventure

Track Night at 6pm and Yoga at 8pm – Sign up  HERE! Wednesday, March 19, 2014 Rowing Day MDR Programming for MDR PreHab Theraband RoutinePVC DislocatesKeg Drill Warm Up Run

Honorable Mention Gully

Track Night at 7pm at SamoHi– Sign up HERE! Reminder to get your meat orders in by Friday!  Click HERE for how this works! Tuesday, March 18, 2014 – Rowing

And the EIE Challenge Winner Is…

This week we will be focusing on rowing technique:  Note the programming adjustments for Venice and MDR on Tuesday and Wednesday.  Open participants have until 5pm today to register and

Week of 3/17/2014

Monday – Snatch Day 1) Snatch High Pull + Snatch (2+1) – 5 sets @ 90@% of last weeks max. 2) Snatch First Pull w/ 3 second pause – 4 x

After the EIE Party!

What: EIE part Deux Winners Announcement and BBQ! It’s time you celebrate your efforts with everyone who participated. Besides the most improved and goals crushed, find out who will take the