Paradiso CrossFit WOD Blog
February 5
Thursday, February 5, 2015 Nutrition and Prehab PCFU classes tonight at Venice. Prehab: Wrist mobility 10-15 PVC Dislocates Gristle/Groiners/Samson stretch Warm-up: 100 feet of each: Bear crawl High skips High
February 4
Wednesday, February 4, 2012 PCFU Gymnastics Class at Venice tonight at 8pm! Prehab: Posterior chain flossing Scapula Push ups Reverse plank hold 10-15 Light Good mornings Warm-up: Jog or Row
February 3
Tuesday, February 3, 2015 Schedule changes starting this week: Fitness classes now available at 8pm at Venice, Monday and Tuesday and 7pm on Fridays Midday MDR schedule is changing to
February 2
Monday, February 2, 2015 4 Weeks until the CrossFit Games begins! Sign up HERE and ask a coach if you have any questions! Prehab: Super rack stretch Wrist and ankle mobility
Gymnastics Moves | Muscle Up Drill Part 2
Description This is a follow-up to the video titled MUSCLE UP DRILL PART 1. In part one we talked about using your hips to get your body weightless. Now we
Gymnastics Moves | Muscle Up Drill Part 1
Description This is a drill for the kipping muscle-up. This will help you learn to open you hips as you swing to get your body feeling weightless. Use a band
Gymnastics Moves | Glide Kip (Muscle Up Drill)
Description This a drill for bar muscle ups also known as a glide kip in gymnastics. Put two benches together as a landing and starting platform so that the bar
Gymnastics Moves | Strict Muscle Up Transition Drill
Description This is a drill for strengthening a strict muscle up. This is for the challenging transition area where you go under to over the rings. Start with your feet
Gymnastics | Extended Hollow Glide Swing Into Toes To Bar Technique
Description Here we have a progression for the bar muscle up or a glide kip. For the progression start with bent knees. Start with a glide extension, bend the knees