Week of 2/2/2015
Week 5. We will be sticking with most exercises being triples or three movement complexes but the intensity will go up and I will try to add some more variance. The squats are backed off slightly.
Monday – Snatch/Squat
1) Front Squat: 2 x 5 @ 80%, 3 x 3 @ 85%. These will be the heaviest squats of the week.
2) 3 Position Snatch (floor, hang, high hang): 1×70%, 1×75%, 1×80%, 3 set @ 85%
3a) Snatch Pull with tempo decent: 5 x 3 @ start 70% and work to 90%. Perform a snatch pull and return the bar to the floor over 5 seconds. Tap the floor and perform the next rep.
3b) Press in Split Jerk: 5 x 3 @ all sets at or slightly below the heaviest set from last week
Tuesday – Clean and Jerk/Overhead/Front Squat
1) Clean: 5 x 3 – start at 75% and work to 3 sets at 85%
2a) Jerk: 5 x 3 – start at 75% and work up to 3 sets at 85%
2b) Clean Pull (with slow decent back to floor): 5 x 3 starting at 70% and working to 90% – 5 second decent back to floor, tap and perform next rep.
3) Back Squat: 6 x 3 @ 80% – rest exactly two minutes
Thursday – Power/Squat Variation
1) Snatch: 5 x 3 – start at 75% and work to 3 sets at 80-85%
2) 2 Power Clean + Squat Jerk (Push jerk if squat not possible): 5 sets starting 75% and work to 3 sets at 85% (of max power clean). BE SAFE.
3a) Jerk Drives: 5 x 3: start at 100% and work to 120% (of max jerk)
3b) Bulgarian Split Squat: 4 sets of 8 reps on each leg. Shoot for 55# for males, 35# for females.
Friday – Heavy Singles/Overhead/Pulls
1) Power Snatch + Overhead Squat (2+1): 1 x 75%, 1 x 80%, 3 x 85% (of max power snatch)
2) Clean & Jerk: 5 x 3 – start at 75% and work to 3 sets at 85%
3a) Front Squat: 5 x 3 @ 75%
3b) Snatch Grip Behind the Neck Strict Press: 5 x 3 – build to the heaviest possible triple
Saturday (11:30-1:30pm at Venice)
Use the Saturday sessions to make up missed days from the week, receive additional coaching from the coach on staff, and target specific weaknesses and imbalances through targeted accessory work.